We are delightful to present you our very own products that are safe to use with the best quality at low price
Firefly Dye
our product
A DNA/RNA loading dye
FIREFLY Bright dye Non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and non-mutagenic- EtBr replacement Handy, economical and efficient- No more use of separate loading dye and tracking dye- it has all.
Molecular Biology Kits
Plasmid DNA Extraction Mini, Midi & Maxi Kits
GEL / PCR Purification Kits
Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Stool DNA Isolation Kit
Soil DNA Isolation Kit
Fungi / Yeast Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Tissue Total RNA Extraction Kit
Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit
Strataclone PCR Cloning Kit
Strataclone Bluent PCR Cloning Kit
Quick change lightining Site – Directed Mutagenesis Kit